Get the most of your properties with Turbosuite & Hostify


In the past few years, revenue management has become an indispensable pillar of vacation rental property management. And for that reason we bring you solutions!

We are excited to introduce you our latest integration with Turbosuite. An innovative Revenue Management System (RMS) for vacation rentals. It has state-of-the-art features designed to integrate new revenue strategies, using Big Data and predictive analytics to improve the performance of your properties.


How Turbosuite works

Turbosuite was born out of the need and lack of tools to improve the performance of vacation rental properties. Creating a software designed to change the way data is collected.

It proposes a different model to obtain a comprehensive approach to property management in a simple way.  It analyses and compares 2 million data points per day for each client from Booking, Expedia and Airbnb. While the competition takes a much smaller sample.

pc turbosuite

The algorithm takes into account up to 116 differential factors to determine the most appropriate price for your rental properties.

In this way, they present themselves as a solution to a latent need. According to Turbosuite, thanks to the mastery of Big Data and artificial intelligence, makes their data more reliable. “It helps our clients save 15 hours of work per week for every 10 rooms or apartments,” said the team.


So don’t wait any longer, contact them through their website or fill out our contact form. We will be happy to help you and provide you with all the necessary information. Let’s move forward together!





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